Friday 18 February 2011

Magazine Evaulation

Cover Page –
The cover page consisted of an image of the model Sonnah. This image was airbrushed, using duplicate layers applied with a surface blur, giving the impression of the face being airbrushed once rubbed off. The blurred layer must be set under the original layer, and then a rubber tool is used around the face, giving  the airbrushed feel. Secondly, the image’s background was blurred using the simple blur tool found on the toolbar.
The Zone title text was created using the “
Star Avenue
font”, and was stroked to create an outline to make the text stand out more. The headings used “Coolvetica”, and the other text was created “Segoe UI Symbol” in colours red, black and white, also being stroked like the main text.
The other stories in the cover are all fictional, not actually being written about, but to give the magazine a better and more professional look
The barcode was imported from, and rotated and faded to fit in the background. Also, the free mixtape single was created by shrinking the image of both the CD cover and the CD on top of each other
Although Sonnah was used in the front cover, the main target of the magazine was to write about SPMG, being much more relevant to the magazine’s content being a real music group, therefore being to write accurate articles on them. Sonnah was mainly used as a model, not being a music artist in reality­­
Contents Page-
The contents page was made by a single image of the same model: Sonnah, which was airbrushed like the first image. The text was “Trajan Pro” used at different font sizes, and being also faded into the text at parts with boxes to make it seem more stylish.
 The Zone print across the page was created with the “
Star Avenue
” font and faded into the background, and using various brushes and blurs to create a graffiti effect.
Double Page Spread-
The rainbow first page of the double page spread was achieved by having the picture of SPMG blurred in the background, and then adding the Dark Strokes under Filter>Brush Strokes. Then a new fill layer was added under Layer>New Fill Layer>Gradient. the angle filter was selected and blurred to give it a fade effect to create it into a faded background, setting the blending  mode to vivid light and setting the opacity to about 60%
For the 3D effect, the picture was duplicated and rotated by 1degree. After that, a channel mixer was set to green and to red respectively for both images to give the purple 3D look. Afterwards, the duplicates opacity was set to 60% and gave the 3D look; the text was from the “Coolvetica”, used in the front cover too, this time in colours grey and white.
The second page of the double spread was just images cut and pasted in different images, with “Coolvetica” text used for the article.


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